Monday, December 8, 2008

Future Projects

While our primary focus at the current time is to refine and improve our delivery of basic computer classes, in the not too distant future, inherIT hopes to facilitate production projects conceived and executed primarily by the women who attend our classes.

We would like these projects to draw on their current knowledge and combine them with the new skills they have learnt, to produce something that will contribute to their development and benefit the community. Should you have feedback or additional ideas, feel free to email or leave a comment.

A brief outline of potential projects is provided below. Each project also lists some of the individual and community benefits that are anticipated on account of these projects.

Project Recipe Book

This project aims to compile a book of recipes contributed by women from different communities. The aim of the project is to encourage the women to contribute to the production effort by typing up their recipe and helping them put together the appropriate graphic/video material needed.

Individual Component:

* Making a Power Point/video/photo presentation of the recipe they wish to share
* Typing and integrating their recipe into a consolidated Word processor/publishing software
* Providing a list of updates for glossary/index/table of contents.

Community Component:

* Build a collection of shareable recipes
* Compile information to be distributed to the community
* Create a website with recipes and cooking tips

Learning Outcomes:

* Use Power Point, Excel and Word to type in and integrate contributions
* Use pictures/videos to illustrate recipes
* Learn about other cuisines

Project Language Guide

This project is intended to bring to light the wealth of language skills possessed by the migrant and refugee community. Women will be encouraged to put together a list of words/phrases/sentences in their languages/dialects. The language guide may be a valuable resource for other members of the community who would like to become familiar with different languages.

Individual Component:

* Making a powerpoint presentation describing some simple phrases and words in their language and their usage.
* Typing and integrating input with those from other languages.
* Compile a dictionary of commonly used words.

Community Component:

* Provide opportunities for cross learning.
* Compile information and produce a language guide for multiple languages.
* Create and maintain a database of simple phrases and words across multiple languages.

Learning Outcomes:

* Use Power Point, Excel and Word to type in and integrate contributions.
* Learn how to use native langauge script in these applications.
* Become familiar with other languages.

At a later stage, should the women develop skills to handle and use publishing and graphics software packages, a few more projects could become feasible:

* Producing a website (or book) of traditional stories illustrated and narrated by the women.
* Producing a website (or book) of proverbs/traditional sayings with translations.

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